September 26, 2019

Clarity in Manoah's Panic

As the head of the household, sometimes men we put a lot of burden on ourselves.  There are so many things that we go through as husbands and leaders that we sometimes have our minds clouded. Sometimes work and home blurs together and then there is the spiritual component in the mix of it all.  We start to ask ourselves all sorts of self-evaluating questions:  Am I serving God the way that I should? Am I raising my children right? Am I being a good husband?  Will it rain this weekend because I need to cut the grass?! 

In this scripture, most would see the beginning of the great Samson, but I want to share something else. In the previous verses, Manoah and his wife sacrificed a young goat and a made burnt and grain offerings to the Lord. As the flames burned, "the Angel of the Lord ascended in the flame of the altar" up to heaven.  In a panic, Manoah just knew that they would die because no man was to see Yahweh and live.  It was at this moment that the voice of reason spoke.

His wife said in short, if the Lord was going to kill them both, they would already be dead. Yahweh wouldn't have accepted their offerings. On top of that, He would not have sent the angel in the first place with the a divine message from God.  It was God who appointed a time such as this for Samson to be born and they were to be his parent. It wasn't a time for the Father to kill them both.

Brothers, we need our wives to be that voice of reason at times. Sometimes we can get ourselves so worked up and close to the edge, that we need that strong presence to talk us off the ledge.  All we have to do is set pride aside and listen. Manoah could and so can we.



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