July 27, 2010

1 Co 1 I know what I know, and that I know is so.

Hi folks.  I hope that you are are doing well this day.  Today is a word not from myself, but from my Uncle Frank Jackson.  In keeping with the old WFTD (Word For The Day) tradition, there was not just one contributor, but as many as 4 or 5 at one point!  In the words of my son Judah, thanks "Unca Pank".

Here's another contribution for the WFTD. Blessings to you.

I know what I know, and that I know is so.
1Co 1:18  For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
            Shalom, I hope that it is well with everyone. You know, I've been talking with some of my brothers and sisters in Christ and it seems to me that there is a almost unanimous cry that is going out and that is for the true Word of God to be preached. We look at and/or listen to some of the preachers on television or radio and don't get any "meat". It all seems to be the "feel good", "I'm excited" kind of preaching, not the, "Lord search me" kind of sermons. I like to hear about the cross, so that I am reminded that my decision to follow Christ is one that is to be taken seriously. I've heard frivolous remarks made from time to time by Christians, about Jesus being "my buddy" or the "man upstairs". This is unacceptable speech for a Christian! What Jesus Christ has done for us demands solemn respect, and honor. It's bad enough that the world mocks God and blasphemes His holy name, but for a "blood bought" believer to just flippantly refer to Jesus as "my main man" or some other light reference is, well. Wrong!!! That is why I chose this passage of scripture.
            Paul in his days in the city of Corinth had to contend with those who would challenge the validity of the gospel, and the reason of the cross. We today have to contend with these same challenges, even though the faces have changed. There are folks sitting in pews who have no idea what the cross of Christ is about or even have an inkling to its very importance to there salvation. They have said the sinner's prayer and think that now they will wait on King Jesus to call them home or rapture them. They have no desire to read, let alone study the Word of God. There existence is focused solely on getting a blessing from God, sitting in a pew on Sunday morning, putting a couple of dollars in the offering and feeling pretty good about themselves. Why? I'm doing what the Bible says. Right?  Ennnnnnnt! Wrong Answer!!!!!!!!

            Let me tell you saints, Jesus Christ left heaven, laid aside His glory, took on the form of a lowly servant, endured a life of poverty (real poverty), was obedient in everyway, was ridiculed, mocked, tested, lied upon, doubted by family and stranger alike, accused of being a blasphemer, tried as a heretic, whipped as a criminal, spat upon, beard plucked from his face, kicked, punched, and this was not all. The rest of the story goes to a craggy hill outside of Jerusalem call Golgotha, where my Savior, the Lamb of God was offered up for my sin(s).  He laid himself down after the torturous walk up the Via Delarosa, not forced, or coerced, but willingly being obedient to God's will to carry out to the fullest the plan to redeem me. (Oh yes, it's personal for me) He allowed them (the creation) to nail him (the creator) to that roughhewn beam that was to be lifted and hung between heaven and earth. He was bared to all to gaze upon and mock, the punishment meant and deserved of me. As he was still being attacked and ridiculed by the religious, soldiers, and the others who were being executed, I believe that I was thought of as he hung there. When he had atoned for all of mankind's sins, then and only then did he chose to die. 

            What Jesus did was that he made us who would believe and trust him for our redemption. Saved!!!!  But that isn't the end. Screeeeeeeeech!!!! His tomb is empty!!!!!!!!!!! Jesus the Christ is alive, alive forevermore, never to die again and you know what that does for me? I have a hope for the blessed hope. My Lord will come for me soon or he will call me home, which, I don't know. But I do know that he knows me!!! And has made to me a promise, yet not just to me but to all who trust Him for their salvation. 

            So let us render unto Christ the honor due to Him, for all that He has done for us at Calvary on that old rugged cross. He should be praised, worshipped, adored, admired, magnified, glorified, extolled, and I could go on a long time with this. Let us show the world what it is all about when we talk about Jesus, let our hearts burst forth with a flow of joyous exclamations. Know what is true, love what is true, guard what is true, and share what is true. I love you all, but Jesus loves you more. Well, until next time saints, Maranantha. 

Yours in Christ
Brother Frank



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