December 10, 2009

Leviticus Lessons: Offerings IV

Hello Family,

I hope that you all are doing well and I ask that you pray for my family.  It has been a trying year, but I hold on to the promises of God and know that He is doing a fine work in and on us.  We just have to endure for a little while longer.  It has been a while since the latest entry so lets hop right to it

The last time we talked about the Meat Offering.  This time around, we will be talking about the Peace Offering (sometimes called the Fellowship Offering) which can be found in Leviticus 3.  Also, it is explained further in Leviticus 7 as well.  So far, we know that the Burnt Offering was done for atonement and the Meat offering was done as a gift to God.  This time we find that the Peace Offering had three different reasons for being done:
  1. As an expression of thankfulness to God (Lev. 7:12)
  2. A vow offering to God (Lev. 7:16)
  3. A freewill offering to God (Lev. 7:16)
"All three were offerings that the offerer was under no obligation to make and therefore represent a gift presented to God but with the renewal and reminder of the covenant made with the nation present in the participation of part of the sacrifice at its conclusion"1.

Notice who are the participants in this offering.  If you will look back at the Burnt offering all of the animal was burnt on the alter for the pleasing aroma to the Lord.  With the Meat offering "a handful of the fine flour and oil, together with all the incense" is burnt on the alter as a pleasing aroma to the Lord and "[t]he rest of the grain offering belongs to Aaron and his sons" (see Lev 2:2-3).  With the Peace offering, we now find that the offerer actually receives something from the offering.  This is why the name Fellowship Offering is used because God, the priests, and the offerer communes together (see Lev 7:11-2).  "The Peace Offering was an indication of a good, healthy, loving relationship between the offerer and God and between the offerer and the priests."2

Another important thing to note is what God instructs to be done with the fat, kidney, liver, and blood of either the cattle, sheep, and/or goat to be sacrificed.  No matter the animal, the fat, kidney and liver were burnt on the alter as food and as an offering to the Lord.  The blood was sprinkled against the alter on both sides.  Then God gives specific instructions that no one shall eat any fat or blood.
(22) The LORD said to Moses, (23) "Say to the Israelites: 'Do not eat any of the fat of cattle, sheep or goats. 24 The fat of an animal found dead or torn by wild animals may be used for any other purpose, but you must not eat it. 25 Anyone who eats the fat of an animal from which an offering by fire may be [b] made to the LORD must be cut off from his people. 26 And wherever you live, you must not eat the blood of any bird or animal. 27 If anyone eats blood, that person must be cut off from his people.'
Pretty harsh, but that belonged to the Lord.  As for the priests, they received the breast of the animal and the son of Aaron who offers the blood and fat receives the thigh of animal (see Lev. 7:31-3).  In this manner God, the priests, and the offer each received their portion in the communion.

I could only imagine their experience and feelings to know that they communed with God.  We have this same access today not via the old laws, but through Jesus Christ.  While the offering is no longer needed, God still requires the same things of us today:  Thanksgiving, A Vow to Him, and a Freewill Offering of our time, talents and treasures.

Be blessed family and have a good one.


1 The Sacrificial Offerings of Leviticus chapters 1-7.
2 "Peace Offering". The Offerings (Leviticus Chapters 1 to 7).

November 25, 2009

Leviticus Lessons: Offerings III

Good Morning Fam,

I pray that all of you are doing well as we prepare for the greatest eating day on earth tomorrow! *LOL*  I guess that is not the true meaning of Thanksgiving, but pretty much, it has become a day focused on eating (other than the fact that it is the day before the best day of the entire year for businesses, but that is another story).  Any who, we left off yesterday talking about the Burnt Offering and today we will move next into the Meat Offering.

The Meat Offering is described in the Chapter 2 of Leviticus and I think is one of those tricky ones.  It is also called the Grain or Cereal Offering in other translations.  If you read from the King James Version (KJV) and if you are not paying attention, you can read straight through it and miss the whole context.  When I first saw it, I thought to myself that meat must be chicken, lamb, etc, however, if one pays close attention, you'll find the key in the first verse:
"When someone brings a grain offering to the LORD, his offering is to be of fine flour. He is to pour oil on it, put incense on it" (Lev. 1)
It says the offering is to be of "fine flour", but wait a minute.  In the KJV, it said meat.  Is it meat or is it flour.  For that answer we have to go back to the Hebrew translation of meat-offering.  In Hebrew, meat-offering is translated as the word "minhah".  This meant "originally a gift of any kind"1.  Thus this offering became one of a gift for God "as a result of the inner moving of a worshipper’s heart"2

Another thing that one should notice is that all meat offerings were to be unleavened or made without yeast.
"(11) Every grain offering you bring to the LORD must be made without yeast, for you are not to burn any yeast or honey in an offering made to the LORD by fire. (12) You may bring them to the LORD as an offering of the firstfruits, but they are not to be offered on the altar as a pleasing aroma." (Lev. 2:11-12)

I have never really understood the meaning of unleavened bread, but I knew it was one that didn't rise.  You find it everywhere throughout the Bible, but no one ever really explained why not the use of yeast.  Well, unleavened bread was eaten at Passover which the "a Jewish and Samaritan holy day and festival commemorating the Hebrews' escape from enslavement in Egypt."3  It is also called the Festival of Unleavened Bread.  "The Bible tells us that unleavened bread was eaten with bitter herbs, as a reminder to the Israelites of the bitter
years they spent in bondage to the Egyptians."4  (Also, see Exodus 1:14; 12:8; 29:2, Deuteronomy 16:3, Numbers 9:11).

Putting this all together, we find that the meat offering served duel purposes.  It was first a gift to God and secondly, it was a reminder to the giver of how God brought them out of bondage.  Truly, the Lord has a way of bringing things back to our remembrance and we should never forget all that He has, is doing, and will do for all of us.

Be blessed gang and have a Happy Hump Day and Thanksgiving!


1 "Meat-offering".  Bible Encyclopedia 
2 The Sacrificial Offerings of Leviticus chapters 1-7.
3 "Passover".  Wikipedia.  November 22, 2009.
4 "KJV Bible Verse List : Purpose Of Unleavened Bread".  ENDTIME PROPHECY ORG.  July 25, 2006.

November 24, 2009

Leviticus Lessons: Offerings II

Good afternoon family.

I hope that you are doing well this fine Tuesday morning.  Today we will be continuing our study on offerings from the book of Leviticus.  If you remember last week we listed the six types of offerings and today we will focus on the Burnt Offering.  While there are quite a few detailed instructions on how to do the sacrifice, I wish to focus on what the process means to God and to the individual.  I would urge you to read Leviticus 1.

In the first chapter of Leviticus, we find the burnt offering described.  In it, God explains to Moses how the offering is to done along with the acceptable animals that can be used.  Any animal that was used  had to be without blemish or defect because God desires the very best at all times.  The three types of animals that were acceptable for use could come from (1) the herd, (2) the flock, or (3) birds.  What's important to note here is that God gives the people three ways to get the same job done depending upon the individual and what they have.  Not everyone may have had a herd or sheep and goats, but someone may have been able to find a dove or young pigeon.

Being able to use either of those animals, a person was able to provide a burnt offering which was accepted on their behalf to make atonement for them (see Lev. 1:4). Essentially, "...[t]he offering had the effect of removing and nullifying the effects of sin and averting God’s wrath from the offerer. In short, it restored the relationship of the offerer with God"1.

They had to know that God is slow to anger, but once He was pushed to the edge how in the world did they avert God's wrath? The Burnt Offering.  If you look at the the end of the verses 9, 13, and 17 you'll notice a similarity.  All end with "It is a burnt offering, an offering made by fire, an aroma pleasing to the LORD."  If they wanted to avoid the wrath of God, they had please Him with something to make Him overlook the situation! 

Leviticus is not the first mention of the burnt offering, however, it is the place where God gives the people precise instructions on what to use, how to do it, and the reasoning for it.  As evidence, I'd like to provide you with an exert from
"Consulting a concordance will show that the first occurrence of the burnt offering is found in Genesis chapter 8. The first “burnt offering” was that offered by Noah after the flood waters had subsided, at which time he offered “burnt offerings” of all the clean animals (Gen. 8:20). God instructed Abraham to offer up Isaac as a “burnt offering” (Gen. 22:2ff.), and so the ram which God in Isaac’s place was offered by Abraham as a burnt offering (Gen. 22:13). When Moses told Pharaoh that Israel must take their cattle with them into the wilderness to worship their God, it was because they needed them to offer burnt offerings (Exod. 10:25-26). Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, offered a burnt offering to God in Exodus chapter 18 (v. 12). The Israelites offered up burnt offerings in conjunction with their meeting with God and receiving His covenant on Mt. Sinai (Exod. 20:24; 24:5, etc.). Unfortunately, when the Israelites worshipped the golden calf they offered up burnt offerings as a part of their false worship (Exod. 32:6)."2

To the unkeen eye, the Bible may seem to be all over the map, but doing a little bit of study reveals that it ties together quite nicely. Today, if you can take anything away is that the burnt offering provided atonement for the individidual and it provided a pleasing aroma to the Lord.

Next time, we'll dive into the Meat offering.  Until then, folks have a blessed day!


1The Sacrificial Offerings of Leviticus chapters 1-7. "The Law of Burnt Offerings (Leviticus 1:1-17)".

November 18, 2009

Leviticus Lessons: Offerings I

Good Afternoon Family and Happy Hump Day.

I hope that you all are doing well today.  We've made it to Wednesday so it's all downhill from here until Friday!  Today, I wish to start a topic which I probably will have to break into different days, so lets get started.

If you have read through the book of Leviticus, you would have passed over the verses discussing the various types offerings.  In it, the Lord gives Moses clear instructions on how to perform each particular offering. As a matter of fact the first 7 Chapters of Leviticus are spent explaining how to carry out the different offerings.

Today, we will do a brief introduction of the different kinds of offerings and later, we'll go more into details.  They are as follows:
  1. Burnt Offering (Leviticus 1)
  2. The Meat Offering (depending on the versions, you may find it called the Cereal or Grain offering) (Leviticus 2)
  3. Peace Offering (also may be referred to as the Fellowship Offering) (Leviticus 3)
  4. Sin Offering (Leviticus 4, 5:1-13, 6:24-30)
  5. Trespass Offering (also may be referred to as the Guilt Offering) (Leviticus 5:14-19,6:1-7)
  6. Consecration Offering (Leviticus 8)
"These, then, are the regulations for the burnt offering, the grain offering, the sin offering, the guilt offering, the ordination offering and the fellowship offering..." (Lev. 7:37).  So there are a total of 6 types of offerings, but from my research thus far, it is referenced to be only 5 offerings.  The 6th offering is a special offering done for the consecration of priests which did not involve the individual Israelites.

We'll look more into this over time and it is my prayer that when this is all done, we can learn how God set up His protective umbrella for Israel and how Jesus fits into the grand scheme of things.

Be blessed folks and have a good rest of the week.


November 11, 2009

Order Is Required

Good Evening Fam,

I hope that everyone reading this is in good health and spirits tonight.  With all the rain occurring in the Raleigh area, it can get gloomy after a few days, but we know that this too is the work of the Lord!  Thus, we have to give thanks for the rain, even when you have to walk your dog in it (am I being that transparent? *lol*).

As a matter of fact, I was walking my dog tonight and the rain was pouring and the chilly wind was blowing.  Today had already been a tough day and I had been at a point to where I felt like I could no longer do "this" any more (this being me trying to guide our family out of what seems to be a horrible year career, financially, & health wise).  I finally just threw my hands in the air and said "Lord, I give up.  You take the reins because I cannot do this."  Net/Net, I've tapped out...submitted wholly....I need help.  At the time, I was in my own world and had no awareness of my surroundings, but I now wonder what drivers thought as they passed by me with arms outstretched, walking a dog in the cold rain?  They probably thought I was batty!  Oh, well they have NO idea about that moment!!!

We always say we are with Jesus, but all of us probably try to maintain a little control over what happens in our lives.  Unfortunately, life doesn't always go according to the scripted plan we have in our brains.  So setting pride aside, I have to pass this thing over to a better driver.  The good thing is that I KNOW He is a better driver.  Have you ever been in the car with someone who was "driver challenged"?  Did you feel comfortable enough to go to sleep with them behind the wheel?  I think NOT!  Hey, I'm just getting to feel comfortable enough to go to sleep with my wife behind the wheel *LOL* (Love you hun ;-)).

Seriously, when you turn things over to the Jesus, He can place all things in order if you let Him.  I am trusting that He will do the same for you as well as myself.  I will leave you with Psalm 37:23-26. It says,

"(23) The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. (24) Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the LORD upholdeth him with his hand. (25) I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.  (26) He is ever merciful, and lendeth; and his seed is blessed."
Be easy family and have a good one.


November 10, 2009

Weathering the Storm

Good Afternoon Everyone,

I hope that you all are doing well this fine Tuesday.  Today, I wanted to share with you notes from this past Sunday's sermon at our church (Celebration Family Church).  The topic was "Weathering the Storm" and it came from Mark 4:35-41.  There you will find the story of the Jesus and the disciples as they are in a boat and a great storm came about.  Jesus was sleep only to be awaken by scared disciples.  Jesus gets up in a calm manner and tells the storm "Peace. Be Still". 

Now this is where my notes pick up.  I hope they aren't too choppy and that they make sense.  Any church members, feel free to correct any errors or send me additions.

  • There is always a challenge when you're going from one place to another

  • The disciples had Jesus in their boat
    • Even with Jesus in the boat their is no guarantee that there will be no storms (this speaks to the fact that although we have Jesus at our side, we still can have problems/issues/tests in our life)

  • The effectiveness of your assignment will be determined by the quality of your alignments
    • if you align yourself with Jesus & positive people, then you will be effective in what you do;
    • however, if you have folks who are negative and you are not turning to Christ yourself, you can expect a bad outcome.

  • How did Jesus Weather His Storm
  1. He found rest in His Father's purpose - You have to understand the sense and purpose of your life.  Storms are just temporary and you cannot allow them to cloud your overall purpose or you could be stuck there forever (see Jerimiah 29:11).
  2. He spoke with authority to the problem (see Isaiah 54:17).
  3. He spoke peace to the storm - you can only speak peace when you are already in peace yourself.  If cannot speak peace when on the inside, you are really scared and unsure.
  • 2 Things that we Deal With the Most
  1. An Abundance of Fear - if we do not check our fears they will eventually become reality.
  2. Lack of Faith (see Heb 10:35-36)

I hope this helps someone as I thought it was a excellent and different view on some versus we've heard quite a few times.

Be easy fam!

November 4, 2009

Agnostic vs Atheists....

Good Evening everyone.

I hope that as you are reading this, you are in good health and spirits. As with anything in which you are involved, you should be aware of those who may not agree with the things you agree.

Today, I wish to share with you the difference between an agnostic and an atheists.  Well you might be saying to yourself, "Aren't they the same?...neither believes in God? Right?".  We'll, you are right but there is a difference between the two.

An agnostic is "[o]ne who is skeptical about the existence of God but does not profess true atheism." Also, an agnostic is "[o]ne who is doubtful or noncommittal about something."  In essence, with this person, you have an opportunity to show them something about Christ, which could change their mind and help them understand that God does exist.  The mere fact that they are skeptical lends to the point that they aren't 100% sure in their thinking.

An atheist on the other hand is different. This is "someone who denies the existence of god" or "someone who refuses to believe", period.  No matter what you say to them or what evidence you have regarding the existence of God, their mind was been made up before you even approached them.

So, you have to know the type of person you are conversing with at all times when you have someone who is a non-believer.  We are suppose to go forward sharing the Gospel to all corners of the earth, but if you don't know your audience, you're already behind the eight ball.

Be easy fam and have a good one.


November 2, 2009

Leviticus Lessons: Come Correct Or Not At All

Greetings family,

I hope this week has gotten off to a good start for everyone.   You know today, I want to jump straight into things as I believe the point does not require deep thought at all. I first want to point you to some scripture.  Leviticus 10:1-3 says,

"(1) Aaron's sons Nadab and Abihu took their censers, put fire in them and added incense; and they offered unauthorized fire before the LORD, contrary to his command.  (2) So fire came out from the presence of the LORD and consumed them, and they died before the LORD. (3) Moses then said to Aaron, "This is what the LORD spoke of when he said: "'Among those who approach me I will show myself holy; in the sight of all the people I will be honored.'"  Aaron remained silent. "

In the start of chapters 9 and 10, we find that Aaron and his sons are in the process of ordination for priesthood.  In versus 1 thru 3, we find Nadab and Abihu lighting their censers ("A vessel in which incense is burned, especially during religious services.") with unauthorized fire.  As a result the Lord consumes them with fire and kills them instantly.

Wait a minute, God just killed them over fire?  No, God kill them over how they approached HIM.   The book of Leviticus are full of laws and "how-to's" on how to live in good sight of the Lord.  However, they broke one of those instructions, thus the consequence.  This is no different than how you approach people.  You just cannot approach everyone in any kind of way.  You have to approach them how you know they should be approached.

After Aaron's sons were just killed right before his eyes, his brother Moses says, "...Among those who approach me I will show myself holy; in the sight of all the people I will be honored..."  Despite the pain Aaron may have been feeling he couldn't say a thing because he knew Moses was right.

So, how do you approach Jesus?  Do you come treating Him like He is not Holy and like a friend who only helps you in time of need?  Do you come to HIM like HE is just an average Joe?  This should give you something to think about.  Even though, we no longer have the same rituals to perform and Jesus has came and fulfilled the law, remember that if you've seen Jesus, then you've seen the Father (see John 14:9-11).  Humble yourself and remember to approach Jesus with the same Holiness as you would the Father. 

Be easy family and have a great day.

~ Antoine

October 28, 2009

Walk. Don't Run.

"STOP RUNNING!  WALK!".  This is a reoccurring theme around our house these days, since we have a 4 and 2 year old in the house.  It seems like every time I turn around, you are telling them to stop running.  I wish I had a tape recorder so that we can play it instead of repeating it over and over again, however as my wife has reminded me, they are learning through repetition.

So what's the big deal with running?  Nothing at all, when it's done at the appropriate time.  When you are participating in a sport, most of the time it requires you to run. If you are in a classroom, it is probably inappropriate to run down the isles like you were on a football field!

If you'll notice, you always hear the term to "Walk With Jesus".  You never hear anything about running with Christ.  Let's think about this for a minute.   When you run, when you should be walking a few things happen:
  • Your Safety Is Comprised - I know with all the corners in our house, I cringe when our children come close to hitting them.  We all know that it is only a matter of time before one of them fall into it. In the act of running everything else around you becomes a blur and you miss certain surroundings that could potentially harm you.  In this case, when running through daily life, half the time Jesus is no where on the brain, but when we walk with Him in the front, He doesn't get lost in that blur.  "He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; is faithfulness will be your shield and rampart" (Psalm 91:4).

  • You Lose Patience - If you run long enough you will lose patience with everything else around you.  This is because we are so focused on the very thing after which you are running; nothing else matters.  For example, if you are going after that new manager position at your job, everything else becomes irrelevant (especially since it has nothing to do with what you're chasing).  It becomes more about you and what you are chasing.  If you aren't careful you could then fall into "...hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy..."  Patience is one of the fruits of the spirit and "[t]hose who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires" (see Galatians 5:19-24). 

  • You Become the Chased - If you run after something long enough you will start to become absorbed in it.  It will start to consume you and in no time you'll find that you have become the chased.  Have you ever wanted something so bad that it started to make you feel sick?  Did it make you stay awake at night?  Would it cause you to lose your appetite sometimes?  Well, this is a case where that after which you were running have started to chase you.  This is a result of impatience.  Also, it is a case of idolatry, therefore forming a stronghold over you.  In 1 John 5:19 it says, "We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one." Nothing has power over you unless you allow it, but if you are running so fast you cannot see it happening then you become ensnared in the trap of the enemy.
When we walk with Jesus, we get to take things in slow strides and not in fast short steps.  We are privileged to see the safety hazards and temptations in order to avoid them.  While in the Word of God we learn the importance of patience and how to wait on the Lord.  Yes, walking usually takes a little longer to get to the final destination, but at least you get to smell the flowers and enjoy the scenery along the way.  Watch God work in your life and don't let a moment of it go by in a blur.

Be easy family and have a good one.

Updated: 11/20/2019


October 27, 2009

Leviticus Lessons: Right on the Edge

Good Evening Family,

I hope that you are having a good day today.  It has definitely been a long one for me, but I'm here and I'm well.  I am sure that you probably can say the same thing.  Here lately, I feel like I have been crossing over into some different areas of my spiritual walk.  I cannot put my finger on yet, but when I do, I'll let you know :-).

It is like I am right on the edge of something big.  I mean I am at a point of my life where I did not see my current state of affairs coming at all.  If you asked me to open up my play book on my life, you would not be able to find this one drawn up in my book!  However, as the quote I recently shared with you goes:  "plans change, but the vision remains the same".

Right now, I am in the book of Leviticus.  I know, I know you might say that is a tough read.  Guess what? For me, the first time around it was.  It was like reading a bunch of laws over and over again.  God said to do this and do that.  It definitely wasn't reading like a story at all and it was easy to lose focus.  This time around though I see something completely different.

Essentially, the book of Leviticus is a "Preist's Manual" or How-to guide on how to perform certain rituals and sacrifice.  In addition, we have to understand the reasoning for things being spelled out they way they have been. The laws “were given as a protective umbrella or foundation for the Israelite people” (see American Bible Society).  It instructed everyone how to live together as neighbours as well as how to love and respect one another.  If you were obedient to God's law and direction then his blessings would flow to you.  If you were disobedient then you would feel his wrath (read Leviticus 26).

Something that seemed so boring before is now bringing a new life and meaning to me and I hope to be able to share it with you as well.  I really felt I was in the doldrums for a while.  I mean really this has been a doozy but I have to keep on pressing.  Many times we are always going through life when we reach the edge of a cliff.  We see the vast distance to cross and get intimidated, so rather than look for a way to get to the other side we turn back.   Many blessings have been missed by not pushing though to find a way to the other side of a situation, however, I do not plan to miss mines. I urge you to keep on pushing through yours as well and when you hit what looks like the edge, don't take no for an answer and continue on you quest.

God has something in store for all of us.  We just need to continue to listen to His voice and follow His instructions. The rest will take care of itself.

Be easy family and have a good one.

~ Antoine E. Hall

October 23, 2009

H1N1: Big Deal or Not?

H1N1 or the "swine flu".  Just what in the heck is it and why should we care? According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it "is a new influenza A (H1N1) virus that has never before circulated among humans. This virus is not related to previous or current human seasonal influenza viruses."  So what does this mean for you and I?  In my opinion not too much.

Remember the Bird Flu?  Whatever happened to that?  Seems that it took a back seat and quietly went away.  Over the past 3 to 4 years, the WHO and the CDC have been talking about we are due for a Pandemic (well at least according to statistical trends).  Now we have the Swine Flu.  I think the WHO and CDC are correct in alarming the public that there is a new virus out there - after all it is their job.  However, you have to start looking at the media and drug companies for really pushing this thing and scaring folks.

People have died.  Yes, and I am sensitive to this.  However, more people die from AIDS, Cancer, etc. all the time and it never gets as much coverage as the new virus on the block.  Is it me, or do you find it amazing that from the time we first heard about H1N1 until now, there is a vaccine for it?!!  Vaccines and new drugs typically take years to clear the FDA (if ever), but this one has managed to infiltrate the markets and now they have run out!

Can you say the law of supply and demand?  You only make a little bit of the vaccine to see who "bites" and when you run out, there is a huge demand for more! Duh!  See where this is going.  I may be wrong here, but this sounds like a case for increasing the pockets of some drug companies and possibly some politicians as well.

Let's see how long this one stay in the news before the next flu comes out.  We've had the Bird Flu and the Swine up, Fish Flu.

October 20, 2009

Oh Man...Oaths

Good afternoon folks,

I hope that everyone is doing well.  I am doing pretty good myself, so I can't complain.  You know, I am not going to waste too much time because today's WFTD is serious business for me.  It is probably the toughest one I have had to write thus far, but it's life so here we go.

Today I want to talk to you all about "oaths".  Yep, oaths.  Well, you may be asking why in the world would this be so tough Antoine?  We'll I'll tell you why.  It's because I had to take one to become a member of my fraternity, Iota Phi Theta.  The one I loved so dearly and cherished.  The one I stayed up for late nights and poured years of time and energy into it.  The problem is that biblically, taking oaths are just wrong.  Wrong as wrong can be.  I had heard about this before but I chose not to know or to find out because after all, when happy why ruin it right?  However, God has a way of putting you into position so that He can be heard.  It is quite a humbling way of doing things and when you're in it, its amazing how you can look back and see how He systematically brought you to this point - all the while you thought life wasn't making sense.

What is an oath?  According to an oath is "[a] solemn, formal declaration or promise to fulfill a pledge, often calling on God, a god, or a sacred object as witness". We all take oaths.  Politicians take oaths while being sworn into office.  Someone about to take the stand in a trial takes an oath to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help them God.  Even the Pledge of Allegiance is an oath.   Fine right? WRONG!  Very, very wrong.  Just because we do it and we all have been doing it, doesn't make it right.  Let's go to Leviticus 5:4:
"Or if anyone unthinkingly swears he will do something, whether to do evil or good, whatever it may be that a man shall pronounce rashly taking an oath, then, when he becomes aware of it, he shall be guilty in either of these."
For a good example, let's jump to the New Testament.  In Mark 6:22-27, it says:
"(22) When the daughter of Herodias came in and danced, she pleased Herod and his dinner guests.   The king said to the girl, 'Ask me for anything you want, and I'll give it to you.'  (23) And he promised her with an oath, 'Whatever you ask I will give you, up to half my kingdom.'   (24) She went out and said to her mother, 'What shall I ask for?' 'The head of John the Baptist,' she answered.  (25) At once the girl hurried in to the king with the request: 'I want you to give me right now the head of John the Baptist on a platter.'  (26) The king was greatly distressed, but because of his oaths and his dinner guests, he did not want to refuse her. (27) So he immediately sent an executioner with orders to bring John's head. The man went, beheaded John in the prison,"
Go back and read the rest of Mark 6, but you'll find that Herod had no intentions of killing John the Baptist, but because he took an oath he had to do it.  He didn't know that the result would end in evil, but it did. 

Being the smart and intelligent guy that I am, I said to myself "Self, that was Old Testament stuff.  That can't possibly apply to me now."  I mean after all I had a point right?  Jesus came to fulfill the law so this couldn't possible apply to me any more right?  This is the point where the Holy Spirit says, oh really?  Let me show you something in Matthew 5:33-37.  It says:
"(33) Again, you have heard that it was said to the men of old, You shall not swear falsely, but you shall perform your oaths to the Lord [as a religious duty].  (34) But I tell you, Do not bind yourselves by an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is the throne of God; (35) Or by the earth, for it is the footstool of His feet; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King.  (36) And do not swear by your head, for you are not able to make a single hair white or black. (37) Let your Yes be simply Yes, and your No be simply No; anything more than that comes from the evil one." (FYI, you can also find something similar to this in James 5:12)
Folks that is red text.  If know an inkling about the bible, then you know what this means.  It is Jesus speaking!  In the words of my wife, "you cannot argue with what's in red".  Jesus even says to  not take an oath at all, even to heaven!  I mean, really if you are a true believer and follower of Christ, then Jesus speaking means a lot.  To me, this means that I have to make a change, because ignorance of the law is not bliss.  Don't believe me, then go down the highway doing 100mph and pretend to the officer you didn't know you couldn't drive that fast. 

With that said, I have to renounce my former thrown as the King of Zamunda.  Do you hear me?  I renounce my thrown!  No in all seriousness though, I have asked for forgiveness and turned away from my sin.  Net-Net.  I have officially severed my ties with my former fraternity for the simple reason that my yes should have been my yes and my no my no.  Even though I have been inactive, for me to continue my connection with the organization would be a blatant act of disobedience and I've had too many whoopings growing up to know what it brings.

I say all this to say, this was the revelation that God has given to me and I felt the need to share it with others.  I know this will not be accepted by the majority of the folks out there, but I'm not here to be accepted by the majority.  I want acceptance only from Jesus.  If you are in a greek lettered organization and claim to be a Christian then I want to share this information that you may not act on now, but at least you cannot say you had not been informed.

Be blessed folks and have a good one!


Antoine E. Hall

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"It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect." - 2 Samuel 22:33

October 15, 2009

My First Blog Entry

Hello Every One and Welcome to my blog.  I have been talking about creating a blog for a long time now so I've finally stop wasting time.  I hope you find something that you can use here and that it is informative and worth sharing with others.  Be easy folks and welcome!
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