February 6, 2013

Sometimes Pain Is a Good Thing

Have you ever had to experience a little pain in your life?  Almost all the time, we try to do all within our power to avoid pain.  However, there are times in our lives where it is unavoidable.  Look at this example.  When our family drive to and from North Carolina we have to drive through the mountains.  Now, in order to get through a couple of the ranges, we have to drive through tunnels.  If you are that person who is scared to drive through tunnels you have no choice but to continue your current route.  Because you are on the interstate, you cannot turn around, but you have to drive through.  You could stop at the tunnel's entrance, but then you have no where else to go but to push on through to the other side.  In some cases, we have to  grimace, wince, and push through pain in order to succeed at some things in life.  It could be that you are exercising for strengthening to be a better athlete or rehabbing from a surgical procedure so that you can get your body back to normal.  In both instances, you have to drive through the pain to appreciate the end results. So really in some ways, pain can be a good thing.

Be Blessed!

Antoine E. Hall


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